To Know Him


Don’t just know about Him, it will do you little good

Instead, come to know Him, really know Him as you should

You can know all about Him, even know His Word

But do you know the Father’s voice when it is heard

You can know Him from a distance or know Him in part

But do you really know the Fathers’ heart?

You can know of the miracles He did long ago

But in this present time, Him do you really know?

You can do many things and life goes on the same

But has your life changed because of Jesus’ name?

You can preach the word so good

But have you sought Him as you know you should?

You can declare the power you have been given

But is He Lord over the life you are living?

You can pray so elegant for all the world to hear

But in the dark of the night is it to Him you draw near?

You remember teachers of your long ago past

But your promise to Him, how long did it last?

You rejoice with others and cry with those in pain

But do you really pray in Jesus’ name?

You bask in the praise of man

But do you give honor to the Son of Man?

You are collecting treasures, receiving the fame?

Do you love the praise of man and hearing your name?

You like it when all glory is given to you

But will you follow the One who forever is true?

You tell your victory stories day after day

But do you bring glory to Him in all you do and say?

You can speak Hebrew and you can speak Greek

But for a Heavenly language do you speak

You share that God has set you apart

But in your life does He have the major part?

You spend much time writing your books, so appealing

But is time in His presence so appealing?

The bigger the crowd the taller you feel

But are you just pretending to be real?

When was the last time you sat at His feet?

When was the last time with Him one on one you did meet?

Your voice is so often heard

But when was the last time you really studied His Word?

When was the last time you set in His presence so still?

When was the last time you did totally yield?

You have read prophesy and you have studied Bible history

When was the last time you were near to Him just to be?

You ask the crowd to follow your teaching, your way

But when was the last time you had nothing to say?

You know all about Him from creation to the world’s end

But have you made a difference for Him in the message you send?

Do you really know Him as your Savior and King?

When this life is over will it be praises you still sing?

You know all about Him and have memorized the Word so well

But do you really know Him of His grace can you tell?

Just knowing about Him won’t bring you saving grace

Know about Him or really know Him one day you will meet Him face to face

Be silent, hear the voice small and still

Let go of your pride, to Him totally yield

He knows you and loves you too much to leave you as you are

Call upon His name, He is close, not far

Just knowing all about Him won’t give you  life eternally

But to really know Him will set you free

Get to know Him

Really get to know Him

Sheila Smith

May 2018